Rules and Regulation


General Rules:

The smooth working of the library is possible only if students adhere to the rules and regulations of the library. All student degree college are hereby advised to follow the rules given below:
  1. Complete Silence must be observed in and around the library. Disregard of this rule will invite punishment leading to the suspension of membership.
  2. Every individual entering the library should be a bonafide student of the College and must have a valid identity card or a Library Card. 
  3. The identity card should be produced as and when demanded by any of the library staff. 
  4. Bags, personal books, umbrellas, parcel, mobile phones, earphone, electronic device etc. are not allowed to be carried into the library. They are to kept in the library at place earmarked in the library at the user’s responsibility. If found so, the object will be confiscated. 
  5. Mobile phone should be switched off or must be kept on the silent mode on the library in the personal belonging area. 
  6. After entering in the library identity card must be deposited at the counter of the library. 
  7. Students must enter their details on the register at the entrance of the library. 
  8. Eating is not allowed in the library 
  9. It is strictly forbidden to mark library books with pencil or ink or mutilate them in any way. The reader to whom the book was /is issued last will be held responsible for loss of pages or any other damage unless he/she has brought it to the notice of the library staff before borrowing. 
  10. Any student held responsible for damage of reading materials will be liable to fine equivalent to the damage caused.
The Librarian reserves the right to refer cases of breach of discipline to the Principal. 
Note : Although no specific rules and regulations are formulated for the staff, all the members are advised to observe general rules and decorum.


Reading Hall Rules:

  1. Reading Hall is meant for reading purpose and self study only.
  2. Group discussion is not allowed in the Library.
  3. Reserving of seats is not permitted in the reading hall of the library under any circumstance.
  4. Students are not allowed to write anything on the reading table with pen or pencil.
  5. Students are not allowed to disturb the seating arrangement in the library.
  6. While going back keep the chair to its original position.
  7. Reading hall copies of the books should be used in reading hall only. A student taking books outside the reading hall without the permission of the librarian will have to pay a fine of Rs. 10/-  per day per book.
  8. Learning Resource Center keeps record of previous years question papers. Question papers are given to students and faculty on request..


Circulation Rules:

  1. One Library book will be issued to the  regular students for home lending for seven days.
  2. Return of the borrowed book is mandatory before the due date Or else overdue charges of Rs.7/- per day per book will be charged. Sundays and holidays will be considered in late fine.
  3. Faculty can borrow 5 books per subject.
  4. Borrows Must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage later or at the time return.
  5. Readers should not mark, underline, write, tear pages or otherwise damage the books issued.
  6. If the book is lost or damaged by the students or if the pages are missing from the book, the value of the book shall have to be paid at the current price as the borrower is responsible for the books issued against their names.
  7. A student may get a book reissued, if it is not in demand.
  8. Books must have to be physically presented to the librarian for renewals.
  9. In case Library Card is lost, it should be reported to the Librarian immediately. A duplicate Library card will be issued to the student against a payment of Rs. 100/- on Fridays only, after receiving prescribed application with an undertaking in this respect.


E-Library Rules:

  1. Computers are provided for the purpose of research and other educational use only.
  2. Students must enter the details in the students Register along with the Computer Number and time of use.
  3. Save all your work in external storage device as we are not responsible for any loss due to routine maintenance.
  4. Downloading, installing and running of software are not allowed within the facility.
  5. Do not  delete any software without the special permission of the Librarian.
  6. One-student-per-PC policy shall be observed  in order to maintain order in the use of the cyber library facility.
  7. Mobile phones and other devices which may cause disturbances should not be used in the cyber library unless their use is silent.
  8. Misuse of this facilities e.g. game playing, personal email, e-trade, hacking, and change of PC or Network settings, online application or registration is prohibited.
  9. Internet facility is strictly for educational and professional purposes.
  10. The library reserves the right to ask any person to stop using computer equipment if the library staff has reasonable grounds to believe that that person is misusing it.
  11. Do not attempt to repair any equipment.
  12. No vandalizing computers in any way including keyboard, mouse, desktop, system unit etc.
  13. Stealing or attempting to steal a library document or any of the library property is an offence. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offender.
  14. Switch off the power supply of the computer as well as lights and fan before leaving.

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